Sunday, March 29, 2020

Australias Air Quality essays

Australias Air Quality essays Australians consistently rank air pollution as a major environmental concern. The state of our air is an important factor in the quality of life of Australian cities. It affects the health of the community and directly influences the sustainability of our lifestyles and production methods. It is generally recognised that Australians spend 90% or more of their time indoors. Despite this, little research has been done on the quality of air in our homes, schools, recreational buildings, restaurants, public buildings, offices, or inside cars. Poor indoor air quality can result in significant adverse impacts on our health and environment. These impacts carry a significant cost to the economy. The CSIRO estimates that the cost of poor indoor air quality in Australia may be as high as $12 billion per year. In recent years, relative risk studies performed by the US EPA and its Science Advisory Board have consistently ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) defines indoor air as air within a building occupied for at least one hour by people of varying states of health. This can include the office, classroom, transport facility, shopping center, hospital and home. Indoor air quality can be defined as the whole of attributes of indoor air that affect a person's health and well being. A major concern with respect to indoor air quality is the use of gas cookers and unflued gas heaters. These two sources can often contribute a large percentage of the pollutants found in domestic buildings. Increasingly, as buildings have become better sealed from the external environment, pollutants being released from indoor sources are being found at higher concentrations. As a result of studies implicating unflued gas heaters in indoor air quality issues, unflued gas heaters are being...

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Medical Marijuana Essay Essays

Medical Marijuana Essay Essays Medical Marijuana Essay Essay Medical Marijuana Essay Essay Introduction: â€Å"Cannabis isn’t for everybody. but patients are entitled to pick and take their ain medical specialty. † Michelle Rainey ( VanMusic. 2010. Pg. 1 )Thesis: The prescription drug companies dispense medical specialties that are harmful and that is what I am here to alter your heads about today. This will research what Medical Marijuana can be used for. the prevarications you’ve been told about Marijuana and how corrupt the Pharmaceutical drug companies are. Body: I. Why is Marijuana medical specialty? 1 ) What THC does in our organic structures ( Wikipedia Cannabinoid Receptor. n. d. . Pg. 1 ) * Cannabinoid receptors are activated by 3 major groups of: Ligands. Endocannabinoids ( found in the mammalian organic structure ) and Plant Cannabinoids ( found in THC in workss ) . 2 ) What can Marijuana handle? ( Wikipedia Medical Cannabis. n. d. . Pg. 3 ) * Crones Disease. Glaucoma. Anorexia Nervosa. Huntington’s Disease. Arthritis. Epilepsy. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Distoria. A. I. D. S. . H. I. V. . Menstrual Cramps. Digestive Diseases. Cancer. Alzheimer’s Disease. Appetite Stimulant. Anxiety. P. M. S. . Pruritus. Leukemia. Methicillin- Resistant Disease. Tourette Syndrome. Multiple Syntosis. Multiple Sclerosis. Bi- Polar Disorder. Tics. Insomnia. Psoriasis. Fibromyalgia. Migraines. Hepatitis C. Painkiller. Parkinson’s Disease. Depression. Asthma. Nausea. 3 ) How do you devour it?* Vaporizers* Bongs* Joints* Pipes* Drinking fountains* FoodII. The prevarications around Marijuana usage.4 ) The Gateway Theory ( Harvey B. -The Union. 2007. Documentary )* Harry Anslinger’s â€Å"Stepping Stone Theory†* â€Å"If you step on this rock Marijuana. so you are bound and determined to travel onto the following rock. which would be one of the so called difficult drugs. † * For every 104 Marijuana users. 1 utilizations Cocaine and less than 1 usage Heroin. 5 ) Marijuana Kills Brain Cells ( Harvey B. -The Union. 2007. Documentary ) * The 1947 Dr. Heath/ Tulane Study* Monkeys were administered 30 Columbian strength Marijuana cigarettes mundane for 1 twelvemonth. Brain harm was determined by numbering the encephalon cells of the monkeys that were given the Marijuana and 1s that has non. 6 ) Marijuana will kill you ( Harvey B. -The Union. 2007. Documentary ) * There has neer been one recorded decease that was straight attributed to Marijuana usage. III. How Corrupt is the Pharmaceutical Companies? 7 ) Marinol ( DEAsucks. com. n. d. Pg. 1 ) ( Morrow A. . 2009. Pg. 1 )* THC that has been synthetically reproduced as a prescription drug.* Nauseated or purging people can non get down pills.* Less dose control/ Longer to let go of into system.* Costs $ 600- $ 1000 US per month. 8 ) Pharmaceutical Domination ( Goldacre B. . 2007. Pg. 1 ) ( Mercola. 2010. Pg. 1 ) * In the UK the pharmaceutical trade is the 3rd most profitable activity after finance. * In 2002. 10 US companies on the Fortune 500 list had combined international gross revenues of $ 217 Billion. * GlaxoSmithKline sued the South African authorities for seeking to provide A. I. D. S. victims with low-cost medical specialties. * Johnson A ; Johnson late pleaded guilty to illicitly advancing it’s epilepsy drug Topamax for psychiatric intents. Decision: Now that you know the truth about how corrupt the pharmaceutical companies are. the prevarications you’ve been told about Marijuana and how it can be used medically. Following clip you have an aching or hurting consider smoking a joint before heading out to see the physician. MentionsDEAsucks. com. ( n. d. ) . DEAsucks. com - Medical Marijuana – Myths V Facts.DEAsucks. com - The Drug Enforcement Administration ( DEA ) sucks! . Retrieved March 7. 2012. from hypertext transfer protocol: //deasucks. com/essays/marimyths. htm Mercola. ( 2010. November 18 ) . The Top 6 Drug Companies – Thugs of the Medical World. Natural Health Articles – Latest and Current Health News and Information by Dr. Mercola. Retrieved March 5. 2012. from hypertext transfer protocol: //articles. mercola. com/sites/articles/archive/2010/11/18/drug-companies-are-ranked-in-the-top-100-corporate-criminals-of-the-1990s. aspx Goldacre. B. ( 2007. August 4 ) . Evil ways of the drug companies | Science | The Guardian. Latest US intelligence. universe intelligence. athletics and remark from the Guardian | guardiannews. com | The Guardian. Retrieved March 5. 2012. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. defender. co. uk/science/2007/aug/04/sciencenews Morrow. A. ( 2009. A pril 6 ) . Marinol V Marijuana – Marijuana and Marinol. About Palliative Care – Hospice and Palliative Care. Retrieved March 7. 2012. from hypertext transfer protocol: //dying. about. com/od/symptommanagement/f/marinol_vs_MJ. htm Harvey. B. ( Director ) . ( 2007 ) . The Union – The Business Behind Getting High [ Documentary ] . Canada: Eagle Entertainment. VanMusic. ( 2010. October 21 ) . Pot Activist Dies After A Brave Battle With Cancer. VanMusic. Retrieved March 7. 2012. from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. vanmusic. ca/news/michelle-rainey-dies-of-cancer Wikipedia. ( n. d. ) . Medical hemp – Wikipedia. the free encyclopaedia. Wikipedia. the free encyclopaedia. Retrieved March 7. 2012. from hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Medical_cannabis Wikipedia. ( n. d. ) . Cannabinoid receptor – Wikipedia. the free encyclopaedia. Wikipedia. the free encyclopaedia. Retrieved March 7. 2012. from hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wi kipedia. org/wiki/Cannabinoid_receptor