Sunday, May 24, 2020
Decision Making in Managerial Accounting Essay - 2639 Words
Managerial accountants need to use accounting information in seeing to it that they are able to plan, evaluate the company performance, manage risks and control the business operations in a manner that is deemed beneficial to the business as a whole (Caplan, n. d). This can be achieved through: having high standards of ethics in all situations; employing the techniques of management reports, budgetary control, and analysis of fund flows and financial statements; making prudent capital investment decisions; and maintaining continuous quality control systems. The Definition of Managerial Accounting Managerial accounting which is a synonym for management accounting refers to the provision of accounting information to the managerial†¦show more content†¦In the area of operational control, the managers should for instance be able to know the various inputs required at various production stage. This enables them to help the line managers to identify and eliminate any constraint that might come-by thus ensuring a flaw-less production process. Maksoud (2011) asserts that management accounting involve strategic, performance and risk management. The managerial accountant should be a strategic partner within the organization helping in devising strategic plans for the organization. He or she should also see to it that there are frameworks to identify, measure, manage and repot all risks attached to endeavors directed at realizing the goals of the organization. Managerial accountants also prepare financial report for non-management groups such as the shareholders, and regulatory agencies. Ethical Issues in Management Accounting Ethics refers to the moral principles that govern the conduct of human beings (Mcphail, 2010). They draw the difference between what is right and wrong. In the corporate world, maintaining a high level of moral competence is very vital especially when it comes to management accounting. Management accountant achieve ethical competence though formal training in educational institutions, observing theShow MoreRelatedDecision Making With Managerial Accounting1563 Words  | 7 PagesDecision Making with Managerial Accounting Accounting is the process charged with the identification, measurement and the communication of economic information in the aim of allowing the desired users in making the correct decisions and judgments. Accounting has two branches depending on the users. Managerial accounting isuseful to core users unlike financial accounting which is more essential to exterior users. Management accounting is, therefore, the identification, analysis, recordRead MoreDecision Making Techniques in Managerial Accounting876 Words  | 4 PagesManagerial accounting comprises all the financial information needed to help managers make educated decisions and do their job duties efficiently. A typical manager’s responsibilities with managerial accounting include interpreting finance reports and projections and using those to make financial decisions that will affect the company. Since managers have to make routine decisions and finalize reports periodically, it is vital that they a re able to conduct healthy decision making processes andRead MoreTraining And Managerial Accounting For Decision Making801 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Many of the lessons learned in FIN 301 (Corporate Finance) and ACCTG 211 (Financial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making) are evident in everyday life as well as within my internship at Farmers Insurance. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Issue With Same-Sex Marriages - 1568 Words
Especially over the latter of the 20th century until today, there has been increased debate about the issue of same-sex marriage. For many, it is one of the fundamental human rights to love and marry whomever one chooses. Others feel that this right should be ruled by certain moral codes and restrictions in order to maintain the basic moral fabric of Western society. Today, many critics who advocate for the legalization of same-sex marriage across the United States do so on the grounds of the fact that it will create a more equal and fair society. Same-sex marriage, or indeed simply the legal recognition that same-sex couples who are loyal to each other on certain grounds, including love and children, according to these advocates, will hold advantages for a large sector of society, while not detracting or disadvantage any other sectors of society. According to Brumbaugh et al. (345), the fact that the majority of Americans regard homosexuality as morally wrong, there is also a majori ty that will not restrict the civil liberties of the homosexual community in the United States, despite their personal views on their sexual preferences. Indeed, the authors note that research into general attitudes shows a steady decline in the perceived amorality of homosexuality and a concomitant decrease of willingness to restrict the civil liberties of those who practice it. At the heart of this, researchers also found that an increase in individualization and concerns with individualShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage984 Words  | 4 Pages Homosexuality is hotly debated within the United States of America when it comes to the idea of same sex-marriage. Society cannot seem to agree about whether it should be made legal or not. The views on this topic have been shaped by religion, by the 1980’s AIDS period, and by so much more. Throughout the time homosexuals fought for their rights, had to go through life wondering if their friends would survive, to bring us to today’s reality where even social media gives every individual the opportunityRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage966 Words  | 4 Pagesstudies focusing on same-sex and heterosexual couples and the challenges they experience with bringing up children. The main focus of the articles is to draw on the conclusion on same-sex couples. When dealing with families of same sex marriages you must put into consideration how families are the same and different from traditional families. In today s society many of same-sex couples are confronted with social irregular characteristics which may cause many complex issues. The main point isRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1376 Words  | 6 PagesLiberties/Civil Rights Issues November 19, 2014 I†¦My chosen topic is Gay Rights- more specifically marriage equality. Public opinion in the U.S. shows the majority support for the legal recognition of same-sex marriages. This issue is more likely to be supported by women and people under 50. My thesis is that marriage equality a civil right, rights we are born with as a citizen of the U.S. which the government cannot interfere with or suppress. (Lecture Notes 8/27). Over the past decade, marriage equality hasRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage Essay1677 Words  | 7 PagesEqual marriage has always been a contentious issue in society. The legalisation of same sex marriage in New Zealand in August 2013 via the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act has been a source of pride for those in some parts of our society and a source of horror for those in other parts. This issue split the country, and those in power, right down the middle, with some people taking sides that didn’t necessarily align with what w ould be expected of their political leanings. The issueRead MoreThe Issue With Same Sex Marriage1704 Words  | 7 PagesThe Issue with Same Sex Marriage has been debated for over a decade and we have seen conflicts of concerns regarding the rights of homosexuals. Do they have the right to same sex marriage? First must look for the level of definition from the word marriage. We must first look at the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA), in which it states that marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman. On July 18th, 2006, the Congressional voted on the proposed Amendment that befell onto the House ofRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1286 Words  | 6 Pagesrelationship that is â€Å"morally right†. When speaking on gay marriage, there are typically two views. To some it is just absouletly disgusting, and then to others it’s a beautiful thing. â€Å" Opponents of Same Sex Marriage say marriage is between a man and a woman and anything else i s morally wrong( â€Å"At Issue : Same Sex Marriage†) As a human being , whose right is it to tell someone who they can and can not love. Sometimes people may disagree with gay marriage on a spiritual level, but who is to say one person’sRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1711 Words  | 7 Pagesyear. Same-sex marriage is a debatable topic that attracts many responses from those supporting and those opposing the issue. People who dispute gay marriage believe it is morally wrong, while gay rights activists believe that all marriages be treated equally. This dispute is put into several different lights including morals, family values and religion; and those of equality, constitutionality. Section 1: The first major law that affected same-sex marriage was the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)Read MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage1664 Words  | 7 Pagesconclusions which declare that every generation after the Salient Generation (1928-45) is more in favor of same-sex marriage. The primary component here is that â€Å"younger generations express higher levels of support for same-sex marriage†(Mitchell). As far as reflecting the change in attitudes, the data shows that older generations â€Å"have become more supportive of same-sex marriage in the past decade†(Mitchell). In relation to Lewis and Gossett’s research, their research aligns in their claim thatRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage931 Words  | 4 PagesThe issue of same-sex marriage is an extremely controversial topic within Ireland. The discussion reached its zenith on May 28th, 2015, when the predominately Roman Catholic Republic of Ireland became the first country in the world t o legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. Additionally, the issue divided the population of Ireland into two corners: those who were pro-family versus those who were pro-marriage. Pro-family citizens opposed the marriage equality referendum and the pro-marriage sideRead MoreThe Issue Of Same Sex Marriage803 Words  | 4 Pagesor forever hold your peace!†Right now you, the reader, are probably confused. Let me elaborate for you. Many people have moral issues on same-sex marriages. In this paper you will read an overview of two academic articles that apply to the issue at hand. Then, I will apply two ethical theories to the issue. Finally, I will give my own opinion and where I stand on the issue. According to the JSTOR article Equal Access and the Right to Marry written by Tebbe and Widiss and published by The University
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Household’s Decision on Child Labor Free Essays
This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. We will write a custom essay sample on A Household’s Decision on Child Labor or any similar topic only for you Order Now The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. How to cite A Household’s Decision on Child Labor, Papers A Household’s Decision on Child Labor Free Essays Respitory systek This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. We will write a custom essay sample on A Household’s Decision on Child Labor or any similar topic only for you Order Now The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. This dissertation seeks to understand the mechanism of a household’s decision on child labor and educational investment by proposing a theoretical framework, examining the empirical evidence, and providing policy evaluation and recommendations. In the theoretical framework, it addresses the factors related to the educational investment and child labor such as living below the subsistence level of consumption (poverty), the opportunity cost of education (the child’s wage), and the return to education. The first chapter focuses on the household’s educational investment decision over the life cycle and addresses the effect of birth order on the educational attainment and child labor supply under binding budget and credit constraints. The empirical evidence from Tanzania suggests there are ‘delays’ in schooling for the latter-born children and ‘school dropout’ for the earlier-born children. In the second chapter, it empirically estimates the labor supply for children in the family farm in Tanzania. The supply curve is downward sloping, suggesting that poverty is the main cause of child labor. The third chapter focuses on the evaluation of specific policies designed to encourage the educational investment for girls  the reduction of tuition and the provision of a stipend in Bangladesh. This program is intended to promote the female education by lowering the cost of schooling. It evaluates the long-term effect of the program by estimating the effect on completed years of schooling, age of marriage, and labor force participation of married women. How to cite A Household’s Decision on Child Labor, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Principles of Adulthood Free-Sample for Students-Myassignmenthelp
Questions: 1.Explain by Comparing and Contrasting the Major Changes Biological, Cognitive, Socioemotional Experienced by the two Midlife adults you have Interviewed. 2.Critically Discuss the Theories and/or Principles you have learnt in the Chapters on Midlife Developmen.3.Illustrate and Discuss the most Interesting/Fascinating things about Middle adulthood that you have learned from this Mini Informal Research. Point out one Principle or Idea that may have Problem (in application) for the Singapore Context.4.Describe Briefly the rationals behind the Choices of your Interview Questions. Answers: Introduction The aim of the following report is to apply main issues as well as principles of early adulthood and mid-life adulthood by interviewing two individuals, who are currently going through their mid-life adulthood. Prior to explain the major changes experienced by the two midlife adults who have been interviewed, it is essential to mention that one male respondent and one female respondent have been chosen. 1.After interviewing two of the midlife adults, it has been understood that one of the common grounds of problem faced by both of the selected respondents is physical or biological ageing. The age of the female respondent is 50 whereas the age of the male individual is 56. The interview responses show that for the female respondent, it is becoming hard to accept that her age is growing and that is affecting her physical image. As per the responses, it has been known that the male adult is currently suffering from arthritis and with each passing day, the physical problem is decreasing his mental courage. His response is indicative of the fact that painful arthritis has not been a problem in his early adulthood when he has been still engaged in daily workout. On the other hand, the female respondent has responded that she is currently facing the issue of diabetes, due to which she has a strict restriction on food and is allowed to have a healthy diet only. According to her, in her earl y adulthood she had not ever thought of maintaining a strict diet and of eating healthy and non-spicy foods. Therefore, the chief difference between her lifestyle at her early adulthood and her present situation is, now she is not even allowed to eat sweets and the favorite dishes she once liked. It has been identified that the female individual has been facing difficulties in developing generativity, which is a significant for the mid-life adults. In this context, it is essential to mention that the desire to guiding the next generation and expanding the next generations commitment to family is known as generativity. The interview with the female individual has implied that the person is experiencing stagnation as one of the midlife crisis. She is not being potential enough in guiding her next generation as her responses show that she gives less time to her family and gives more focus on her health. Furthermore, her response has indicated that she has not been such ignorant and stagnant in her early adulthood and used to give much more concentration on her two children. It means, presently, her cognitive or mental functions are being highly determined by her ageing process. Her answers are further indicative of the fact that in terms of cognitive changes she is realizing tha t her mind does not participate or work fast in time of giving prompt response to others. Moreover, she has realized that instead of giving slow response, her earlier impulsiveness has decreased. On the other side, in case of the male respondent, it has been identified and understood that the person is suffering from the stress of fulfilling the financial demand of his family. According to his responses, he is going to be retired within four years and the increasing pain of arthritis is demotivating his mind. Therefore, he has indicated that he is suffering with the confusion regarding whether to work hard instead of having arthritis to fulfill the demand of his family or to take volunteer retirement and rest. In his case, it has been understood that being the patriarchal head of the family, he is suffering from the financial burden, which is turning worse with his physical ailment. It is understandable that the person could wash off his hand from the responsibility regarding his family. However, his answers are indicative of the fact that in his early adulthood, there had been hardly any time when he had thought about resigning from his designation and losing the capability of fulfilling the economic demand of his family. Contrary to the female individuals cognitive change, the male participant is losing his patience. He has realized, he is growing the desire of regaining his youth again and becoming more impulsive when being confronted with the truth that his physical ability is proving to be the main predicament for his desire. Therefore, it has been understood that his self-consciousness has increased regarding his physical ailment. Finally, it has been found out that in terms of socio-emotional changes, the male respondent is currently facing the need to redefine his relationship with others. It has become a challenge for the person to accept the truth that life is mortal as per the reason that very recently one of his closest friends has died due to a major heart failure. On the other hand, from the interview with the female individual, it has been understood previously that she has become less concentrated on her due of generativity. In the final discussion round, she revealed the truth that she is realizing that she has become more isolated after the death of her husband near one year ago. She has realized that she does not want to engage herself in social activities after the death of her husband as she feels alone and embarrassed in front of her friends who are happily married or whose husbands are still alive. 2.Prior to apply the ideas and principles of physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development on the main challenges faced by the interviewed individuals, it is significant to mention the biological, cognitive as well as socio-economic processes those encompass human life (Kreppner Lerner, 2013). It has been understood that changes in the physical nature are involved in the biological process whereas in the cognitive process, people undergoes changes in their thinking style and in their intelligence level. On the other hand, the socio-emotional procedure involves transition in the peoples relationship with others and changes in personality and emotion (Sigelman Rider, 2014). According to Santrock (2006), people go through three of the aforementioned changes through four distinct periods, which are infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood, adolescence, early adulthood and middle and late adulthood. Based on the perceptions of some life-span develop mentalists, in the late adulthood, which is classified in young old and oldest old major development and change take place in the lives of the older adults (Barlow et al., 2016). Nevertheless, the psychoanalytic theory of Erik Erikson regarding mid-adulthood and older adulthood says that there are two particular stages called - generativity vs. stagnation and integrity vs. despair through which mid-adulthood goes through development (Robinson et al., 2016). More precisely, the development cycle of Eriksons psychoanalytic theory, says that people belonging to the age group of 40-65 goes through stage seven, which is known as generativity vs. stagnation. During stage 7, people grow main concern regarding their career and family. In the particular age, a persons responsibility towards his or her family increases in terms of psychoanalytic development. The concept of generativity as coined by Erikson, says that in the mid-life adulthood people particularly thinks that they have the responsibility to be cooperative as well as active in their homes for contributing greater good for the next generation (Ct, 2014). Further, Eriksons theoretical underpinning says that if a person successfully overcomes the particular stage of mid-adulthood then the person develops one of the virtuous attribute, which is care. On the other hand, according to the theoretical concept of Roger Gould, people in the mid-adulthood stage develops the ability to settle down, grow tolerance, accept the past and loose negativism. However, the life structure theory by Daniel Levinson on physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development of adulthood says that in the development phase of mid-adulthood both female and male individuals mainly deal with their individuality as well as their work for cultivating skills and assets (Myers Harper, 2014). In terms of physical development or changes, people experiences varied of physical ailments like farsightedness, difficulty in hearing, menopause, and hysterectomy. According to Santrock (2006), biological changes highly affect the cognitive activities and mental development of human beings. The mid-life adulthood physical ailments consequently influence the mental health, decline the rate of self-confidence, and lead to grow anxiety. The particular effect of physical chang e on the cognitive mid-adulthood development and the frequent consequence of losing self-confidence are known to be the mid-life crisis (Snyder, 2014). On the other hand, the theory of social convoy by Kahn and Antonucci says that human individual in their mid-life goes through a stage when their life is found embedded in a personal network of people from whom they receive as well as provide support. However, the theory of socio-emotional selectivity by Laura Carstensen underpins that in the stage of mid-life, adult individuals start to prefer investing vital resources in emotionally meaningful activities and aims (Gur et al., 2015). The theory says that motivational shifts influence the human cognitive processing. According to the theory, motivational shifts are frequent in the stage of mid-life adulthood, which directly influence the cognitive development of the individuals (Burin et al., 2014). Therefore, it is understandable that both of the theories is indicative of the fact that in the time of mid-life adulthood, people tends to invest their time in making meaningful contribution upon them, to whom they are closely related (Sc holl, 2013). However, after having a coherent idea about the theoretical underpinning regarding physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development of human in the mid-life adulthood and interviewing two middle aged male and female respondents, it is understandable that for both the respondents, physical changes have affected their cognitive activities. Eriksons theoretical principle regarding the stage seven - generativity vs. stagnation can be applied on both of the situations of the respondents. From the answers of the interview, it has been understood that the female individual has contradictorily become more conscious about her own self rather than giving focus on her family. It has been understood that she has not done that intentionally as she seemed quite helpless due to the death of her husband and her new physical ailment diabetes. On the other hand, her responses regarding the socio-emotional context also have implied that she is unaware about the fact that she is suffering from the c onfusion that whether to concentrate on her children and family or stay cautious about her physical health. Therefore, it is understandable that she is suffering from stagnation. On the other side, the responses of the male respondent show that the person could not sort out whether to continue his work to maintain economic balance and demands of his family or take voluntary retirement for physical ailment. It can be said that the persons physical change have influenced his sense regarding generatively, due to which there is a chance for stagnation. 3.From the mini research, several interesting facts have been acquired. It should be said that a deep understanding regarding the possible consequences of socio-emotional, physical and cognitive changes those can take place in the mid-life adulthood has been obtained. However, one of the most interesting things that have been understood from the research is that both of respondents have been going through a mid-life crisis. The interview highlights that whereas one respondent has become the victim of stagnation, another one is found vulnerable towards the edge of stagnation. It has been indentified that both of the respondents are suffering from physical illness, which is highly affecting their cognitive activities. Both of them are found to be victims of physical changes as well as socio-emotional changes. Nevertheless, after having an in-depth knowledge about the theoretical perceptions regarding the socio-emotional, cognitive and physical development of mid-life adulthood, it can be said that the theoretical standpoint of Eriksons generativity could not be completely applied to the present context of Singapore. The principle says that in this stage, people starts to take more care of their families. It has been identified that in Singapore, most of the mid-life adults are out of their jobs and the rate of alcohol consumption is also increasing among the mid-life adults of the country (Choon-Piew, 2016). On the other hand, it has been seen that most of the mid-life adults and old adults of Singapore are living a isolated life (Montsion Tan, 2016). Therefore, there may have problem in following Eriksons principle regarding generativity in the current context of Singapore. 4.The questions prepared for the interview round are strictly formed in an open-ended way due to the reason; the aim behind the interview has been to gather a good extent of individual point of view. First three questions have been formed to acquire personal accounts regarding physical changes, which the respondents are currently facing. Thereafter, the next three questions have been made concerning the cognitive and socio-economic development of mid-life adulthood. The aim has been here to identify whether any of the respondents is the victims of mid-life crisis or not. References Barlow, M. A., Wrosch, C., Heckhausen, J., Schulz, R. (2016). Control strategies for managing physical health problems in old age: Evidence for the motivational theory of life-span development. Burin, D. I., Acion, L., Kurczek, J., Duff, M. C., Tranel, D., Jorge, R. E. (2014). 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