Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A study on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - 3753 Words
The eminent psychiatrist, Dr. Paul Hoch, in his classic treatise on differential diagnoses in the field of psychiatry made the observation that symptoms of anxiety and depression were components of every major psychiatric disorder (Hoch, 1972). Everyone also experiences anxiety which is typically defined as a diffuse, unpleasant, and sometimes vague sense of apprehension; however, anxiety disorders, psychological disorders whose main component is anxiety and lead to significant disruptions in a persons everyday functioning, are among the most prevalent psychiatric conditions in the world (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000). Moreover, there is abundant empirical evidence that anxiety disorders when left untreated may increase the risk of cardiovascular-related disorders and other health concerns (APA, 2000). Therefore it is important to be able to distinguish the proper anxiety disorder diagnosis and initiate treatment. One of the most disabling of all the anxiety disorders is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a syndrome that develops after a person is involved in, sees, or hears of a severe and extreme traumatic stressor. The person reacts to the stressor helplessness, fear, avoidance of things that remind them of the event, and may persistently relive the event (APA, 2000). PTSD is a disorder that is often associated with combat veterans, but can also be experienced by civilians undergoing extreme traumatic stress. This paper reviews the history,Show MoreRelatedPost Traumatic Stress Disorder : A Psychological Study884 Words  | 4 PagesThere have been many studies which concluded Hispanics are at a greater risk of PTSD and experiencing traumatic events compared to non-Hispanics such as Pole, 2005 and Perilla et al., 2002. However, this did not remain true in the psychological study on Latin American immigrants, Perreira et al., 2013, where 34% of Latinx immigrant adults and 29% of Latinx immigrant adolescents experienced a traumatic event. On the other hand, Kessler et al., 1 995 and Copeland et al., 2007, studies done primarily onRead MorePost-Traumatic Stress Disorder Case Study756 Words  | 4 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating neuropsychiatric condition affecting approximately 25 million Americans (U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, 2015). PTSD is characterized by anxiety, hyperarousal, hypervigilance, and depressive symptoms that develop in individuals following a life-threatening or exceptionally stressful event (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Standard PTSD treatments primarily include cognitive behavior therapy along with medication targeted at symptomRead MoreIn-Depth Study of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder2493 Words  | 10 PagesPOST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER ABSTRACT: This article represents an in-depth study of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD in a holistic context. The main focus of this research is on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the physiological perscective. PTSD is a response mechanism of the mind to an actual or perceived traumatic event. Research has shown that cognitive factors, anxeity, and injuries for example due to car crashes are linked to and often responsible for Post Traumatic Stress DisorderRead MoreCase Study the Machinest/ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/ Insomnia1578 Words  | 7 Pagesis the study of abnormal behavior, thoughts and emotions. There are many people with mental disorders that never get treated. It is very important to make correct diagnoses when diagnosing a patient. Accurate diagnosing will insure that the individual is receiving the best treatment possible. The earlier mental illnesses are detected they easier they are to treat. It should always be ones priority to function as normal as possible a nd get back on track. Educating people on their disorder and treatmentRead MoreCase Study Of Delayed-Onset Post Traumatic Stress Disorder917 Words  | 4 PagesProzac, Wellbutrin or Cymbalta, can take weeks or months to work, but in recent clinical studies Ketamine has been hailed as the most important advance in the treatment of depression. My Background In April 2016, I was diagnosed with chronic, delayed-onset Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) stemming from trauma during my tenure in the Army about ten years ago. I had thought it to be Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) as it was my original diagnosis, but with the help of a new therapist I was able toRead MorePost-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Or As Many Know By The1669 Words  | 7 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or as many know by the abbreviation PTSD, is a complex mental issue that affects several every day. People that know of post-traumatic stress disorder tend to connect it to military personnel. In recent years, PTSD has been diagnosed in people who have endured other types of high-stress experiences as well (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)). In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) added PTSD to the third edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical ManualRead MoreThe Effects Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder On A Family1183 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on a Family The symptoms of Post-traumatic stress can vary from patient from patient. Most common symptoms are flashbacks, hyper arousal and avoidance. The first article is â€Å"Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancer and Their Families: A Randomized Clinical Trial.†In this article the researchers put together a random wait list control trial. They would have an intervention with the family of a cancer survivorRead MoreInfluence Of A Caregiver s Personality And Resiliency On Their Likelihood Of Developing Secondary Ptsd1102 Words  | 5 PagesSecondary PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has been studied extensively. The majority of the population has experienced an event that was traumatic enough to potentially cause Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder with it also being common for most people to experience more than one event with the potential to induce Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Kilpatrick, Resnick, Milanak, Miller, Keyes, Friedman, 2013). Studies have shown that veterans diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder show an escalationRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )877 Words  | 4 PagesFirstly, Post Tramatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is a relatively new diagnosis amongst the psychiatric association. This diagnosis is for the individuals who have been involved or witnessed a tramatic event and experience anxiety, re-experienceing event symptoms, whom avoid situations, display a negative change in feelings or beliefs, or experiencing hyperarousal. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was officially awcknowledge d as a diagnosis in 1980 by The American Psychiatric Association (APA). TheRead MoreThe Correlation Of Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms And Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence1427 Words  | 6 PagesThe Correlation of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence Lori Brown Fresno City College Dr. Helen Hubbard PhD RN65 Outline 1. Introduction a. Intimate partner violence and post traumatic stress symptoms. 2. Method a. Subjective data from group selected through a screening process. 3. Participants a. 369 woman participants b. African American, Latina, and White 4. Measures a. Intimate partner violence b. Alcohol and drug abuse c. Depression 5
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Cultural Diversity in the Armenian Community Essay
Abstract The cultural context for the Armenian person is the result of upholding and defending a way of life and values that have been maintained for centuries, for perhaps two thousand years. For that reason, although Armenians living in the United States today come from a variety of countries of origin, and may to some extent speak different dialects or even different languages, yet they have many cultural similarities due to centuries of commonality. The cultural similarities among the Armenians can be seen mainly in three different areas: Spirituality, historicity, and family. Spirituality refers to the perspective of that which is valued in life, and that which must to be upheld and defended under any and all†¦show more content†¦At Berjikian law firm the atmosphere is homely, and the employees are made to feel that they are family. In the Armenian community ‘family’ refers to more than the biological family. Instead, it includes the people in the workplace. An example of this is when the Armenian community, voted The Berjikian Law firm as the number one attorney office in Glendale when the Glendale Newspress published the best of 2000 readers’ choice on April 26 of this year. Jack a member of our group, has been employed as a paralegal at the firm since December 96. Jack’s younger sister is the receptionist. The other paralegal is the owner’s sister-in-law who has been with the firm for over 13 years. Orly Talmor a Jewish civil attorney, has been with the firm for over eight years. Orly met her present husband Marc Goldberg while both working at the law firm. Erik Rutkowski a Polish criminal workers comp and personal injury attorney, joined the family team last year. Employee cross-cultural communication Some employees at the law firm, understand that cross-cultural communication includes the ability to successfully form, foster, and improve relationships with members of a culture different from their own. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Impact of Information Technology and Alignment
Question: Discuss about the Impact of Information Technology and Alignment. Answer: Introduction The innovation has been a major success for the digital age where the innovation is mainly in business. The smarter and the better way is to work on the different values, quality, and the productivity to handle the technologies of the world. The technology is changing with the digital marketing like social networking, online shopping and cloud computing, etc., are some of the best examples to cover the wave of IT market. (Alston et al., 2016). The effective planning of business, effectiveness in marketing, globalized sales and the systematic management is to hold the instant customer support, and the long-term growth of the business is possible only with the help of Information Technology. Importance of IT in Business The success of the business mainly depends on the accuracy and the choice for the right technology. The research has been from the organizations to invest in technology and choose the appropriate market share with the financial figures and competitiveness. The information technology provides the best opportunity to analyze the data with the specific planning of the business. It will also cover the complexity and plan for the future growth and market. The modern age with the digital marketing is the most effective tool to promote the products as well as the services in the global market. (Kitsios et al., 2016). Here, there have been different phases of the business. The business technology is revolutionizing where the small business is to use the computers, servers, and the personal digital products to develop a better competitive advantage in the economic marketplace. The major focus has been on reducing the business cost and working on automation processes like the keeping of record s, accounting, and payroll. The business owners can also use the technology to create the secured environment properly and maintain the sensitive business or customer information. The technology is for user-friendly patterns which also allow the business owners with the use of computer hardware and software. (Kok et al., 2016). Decision Making This is based on speed and accuracy which is set at the right decision for the business. The organization has to mainly go through a proper marketing research process to make the right decision. The research can easily be done through the online surveys and the forums with the use of WWW. (Lindh et al., 2016). The Big data and the Google Analytics works on the Microsoft CRM Dynamics which is a great tool to extract all the relevant information completely. The online tools provide the real-time response with the data accuracy. Marketing and Business Growth To set the standards, the success lies on the management to accurately identify the target audience and observe the trends. The overall marketing includes the public relation and the promotion with sales that has a significant impact on the growth of business. The marketing standards are for the potential customers where the digital standards include the concepts like search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC), discussion forum, emails, etc. The web market is mainly related to the long-term success of business which is primarily without any digital presence. (Mithas et al., 2016). Customer Support and Satisfaction The management of the high level of customer satisfaction is possible to the customer needs, trends and behaviors. The effective communication is important for understanding the problems and working on different channels to communicate with the customer. The channels are email, webinar and the social media portals. (Kok et al., 2016). The enterprise organizations comprise of the CRM to hold the data for properly understanding the behavior of customer and their future needs. Resource Management and Globalisation The management of the resources is to the business success where the top management need to handle the tangible and the financial resources. This has also played a major role for automating the user-friendly solutions. The internet and the cloud technology works on managing the software engineers to introduce the cloud-based ERP solutions. The managers can easily manage and monitor the organizational resources in the world through the use of personal computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. (Nastjuk et al., 2016). The concept is related to globalization where Microsoft, Google, etc., has been the best example for the cloud-based solutions to manage the virtual or physical office. Requirements for Applying IT in Business To cover the costs, there is a need to focus on large scale and small scale business. It operates the costs where the IT infrastructure includes the hiring or training of IT staff. The IT products are for setting the company with the costs limited to the licensing fees. The integration costs and the limitations are to ensure a proper planning with reflexive decisions. The development of plans and strategies are to establish designing with the generation of unprecedented praise and success. (Lindh et al., 2016). The stakeholders need to consider a proper interaction where the installation and training will help in easy communication with other IT equipment. The installation and setting of the network are to access points and configure the network administration. IT terminology and concepts The business technology can help in improving the communication process where the emails, texting and the personal digital product applications can contribute to handling the companies. The method also allows saturating the economic market where the consumer feedback is mainly through the electronic communication methods. It also allows the companies to reach the consumers through the mobile device management. The business technology allows the companies to outsource the functions where the other business is set for the international and national business environment. (Kok et al., 2016). It also helps the owners of the company with lowering the cost and working on the business functions. The technical support and the customer service is outstanding for the outsourcing of the company. (Orlikowski et al., 2016). It will also allow the business to outsource the functions to the cheapest areas. For the management of IT, there is a need to work on: Business and IT alignment The business IT has been set to handle the marketplace competitiveness and the performance efficiently. The ability is to produce a better business value where there has been incentives and culture with the expensive IT systems that are adequate and does not provide any return on investment. The business information technology works on the knowledge and experience where the organization can operate on IT and business professions in different departments and job functions. IT governance The major goal of the IT governance is to focus on the use of information and technology with the business values. Oversees and the management performance to mitigate the risks which are associated with the use of information and organizational structure. (Kok et al., 2016). IT Financial Management The major goal is based on fixed asset management and capital management, auditing and depreciation in business. It is mainly to analyze the costs and the risks which are based on the metric based cost optimization strategy. IT Service and Configuration The performance builds on the physical attributes, design and operational information where there is a need to improve the performance, reliability and the maintainability. (Stiroh, 2016). The reduction of cost, risks and the liability patterns is to use standardized effects and evaluate the loss. IT systems used by organisations and their need The small business can help in increasing employee's productivity with technology set for the computer programs and business software. The implementation of business technology is to reduce the human labor where the functions are mainly to avoid the payment of the labor costs with the better benefits of an employee. The business owners work on the expansion of operations through the use of technology with a better output of production. The potential is based on allowing the small business to reach a new economic market. The regional, national and the international markets are set in a way to sell the products in different economic markets. The lower cost options are for the consumers to access 24*7 with the proper need of goods and services. The business owners can also work on the advertising to reach the new markets with the customers who can place the web banners or ads. (Kok et al., 2016).There are different IT systems for the organization where the focus has been on needs of ana lyst, manager and the business owner. The business operates in the company with the: Transaction processing Systems It is for the data collection, storage and the processing of the functionality. The TPS system works on the collection and handling the outputs based on the data that is collected. The best example for the TPS could be the air ticket booking where the travelers need to select the flight schedule and their seats as the input, and the processing is through the updates of the position. It is based on the real time or the batch processing system to meet the demands without any additional personnel. (Lindh et al., 2016). Customer Relationship Management System The owners of business work on synchronizing the sales and marketing efforts. Here, the accumulation is of the customer activities which includes the different purchasing trends, product defects and the inquiries by the customer. The capability includes the customers to interact with a better service or the feedback of the product. It also allows the business partners to interact based on the development of ideas and products. Business Intelligence System The business intelligence works on the identification, extraction and the analysis of data for the operational needs. (Kok et al., 2016). This is based on the collection of data from the different warehouse of information in the organization along with providing a better management with the analysis based on the lines of business. Example, the financial institutions use the system so that there is a development of credit risk to model and analyze the different numbers of lending or the credit given to the sectors. The systems use the techniques where the formulas are to determine the loan defaults. Knowledge Management System The knowledge management is mainly to redistribute and share it with the organizations. The major purpose is to bring innovation and the improved performance which brings integration and retaining of knowledge in the organization. It includes the markets to the large enterprise where the small business can easily be benefitted from the same through the central repository and retaining of information. The systems are maintained with consistency to enable a speedy response to the customer and the other partners. Conclusion The long term business success is set without leveraging the benefits of information technology in the digital age. (Kitsios et al., 2016).The company needs to bear all the reasonable costs to achieve the success with the use of innovative approach in the business strategy. The employing is highly trained with the IT professionals to make the right decision with prerequisite business success. The IT solutions work on increased productivity and efficiency of business operations and communication. Reference Alston, G. L., Allen, D. M. (2016). a bout the Authors: Dr. alston is an associate Dean and professor-savannah Campus, south University school of pharmacy. he has over 30 years of experience in com-munity pharmacy management, both as a chain pharmacy administrator and an inde-pendent pharmacy owner. he earned a Doctor of pharmacy degree from the University of the pacific and has published two best-selling management books, The Bosshole EffectManaging People Simplified and The Ten Things A New Manager Must Get Right from the Start. he ....Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings, 141. Kitsios, F., Kamariotou, M. (2016, May). The impact of Information Technology and the alignment between business and service innovation strategy on service innovation performance. InIndustrial Engineering, Management Science and Application (ICIMSA), 2016 International Conference on(pp. 1-5). IEEE. Kok, J. P., Baets, W. (2016). 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Monday, December 2, 2019
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